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myGymPoint for Marketing

myGymPoint Becomes a Communication Hub With our latest release of the mobile App version 1.0.4,  we officially release our new feature PUSH Notification. Thus, fitness organizations can now benefit from our easy to use communication system to reach their customers. A Milestone for myGymPoint.  With this new functionality, our customers can now use our [...]

2019-11-03T19:52:23+01:00Sunday, 18. January 2015|0 Comments

Success Story – Manage Efficiency with Improved Customer Service

How MTG Wangen increased Efficiency & Customer Service In August, MTG Wangen joined our myGymPoint community. Shortly after kicking off the new process, the General Manager of MTG Wangen, Timo Petersen,  reported how satisfied he was. Timo was faszinated on the immediate impact of the myGymPoint introduction. We invited Timo for an interview which we [...]

2019-11-03T19:52:23+01:00Monday, 20. October 2014|0 Comments


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