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Home/Fitness Facilities


myGymPoint in BodyLife-Magazin We are proud to announce that we have just made it into the leading fitness magazin BodyLife. The January magazin posts myGymPoint as a new service that enables fitness clubs to effectively use Mobile Apps or Mobile Solutions to organise their courses and communication with customers. But stay tuned and check [...]

2019-11-03T19:52:23+01:00Sunday, 18. January 2015|0 Comments

Improved Printing Layout

Most of our fitness partners do print out their participants list to check presence right before the course start. As this was a standard browser print layout before, unneccessary information and paper waste could have been caused. However, this is improved now and you Will only see content which is really necessary including date, time [...]

2019-11-03T19:52:23+01:00Thursday, 13. November 2014|0 Comments


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