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Aktuelle myGymPoint News und Trends

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Sunday, 18. January 2015

Monday, 22. December 2014

Push Notification to reach fitness customers

Monday, 22. December 2014|Categories: Improvements, Mobile Apps|Tags: , , , |

We have just run an update last Thursday which brings new features to you. It´s now by far easier to stay in touch with your fitness customers. With our PUSH notification service, you can reach [...]

Thursday, 13. November 2014

Monday, 20. October 2014

Success Story – Manage Efficiency with Improved Customer Service

Monday, 20. October 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

How MTG Wangen increased Efficiency & Customer Service In August, MTG Wangen joined our myGymPoint community. Shortly after kicking off the new process, the General Manager of MTG Wangen, Timo Petersen,  reported how satisfied he [...]


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